


    The Hagan Scholarship provides up to $48,000 to attend college over four years, a $1,000 Personal Schwab Brokerage Account, a $20,000 HSF Schwab Account to manage until graduation with all gains up to $10,000 going to the recipient, and up to $8,000 to study abroad during the second semester of the third year of college or during the summer after the third year of college.
    Here are the eligibility requirements:

    1. Must be a U.S. Citizen.
    2. Must attend an Eligible Public High School.
    3. Must have achieved a 3.50 Cumulative Grade Point Average.
    4. Must enroll at an Eligible Four-Year College or University the first semester following high school graduation.
    5. Must maintain a four year or less graduation schedule in college.
    6. Must work 240 hours each year, from January 1 until commencement of the fall semester in college. Employment must be regularly scheduled work performed under supervision for compensation.
    7. Applicant’s Adjusted Gross Household Income reported for Federal Income Tax Purposes must not exceed $85,000.
    8. Must provide a complete copy of the FAFSA SAR showing the EFC.
    9. Must apply for Federal and State grants if eligible.
    10. Must not have a felony conviction.

    If you are interested in applying, please create an account through this link: 2022 Scholarship Application (formsite.com).  The deadline is December 1st at 5:00 PM. Please let me know if you need help.

    Scholarship websites:

    College Board

    College Board Opportunity Scholarships



    Scholarship Buddy

    Scholarship America

    Student Scholarships

    Sallie Mae


    Chamber of Commerce

    The Chamber of Commerce has provided this guide into the types of scholarships available, the application process, and how to improve your odds of being awarded a scholarship.