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    Hagan Scholarship: Deadline is December 1

    Zonta Scholarship - Young Women in Public Affairs Award: Deadline is February 21

    • Paper copies are in the counseling center.

    The Character Council of Western New York Scholarship: Deadline is March 15

    Federated Garden Clubs of New York State Scholarship: Deadline is March 15

    • $1,000 scholarship
    • Applicant must be planning to major in one of the following areas of study:




      Environmental Science



      Land Management

      Landscape Design

      Wildlife Science


      A field related to the above

    • Click here to apply: Eighth District $1,000 Scholarship (gardenclubsofwny.com)

    Sandy Cochran Memorial Scholarship: Deadline is March 24

    Franklinville PTO and Franklinville Aristocrats Scholarships: Deadline is March 31

    • Paper copies can be found in the Counseling Center.

    Maple Festival Community Service and Dedication Award: Deadline is March 31

    • Paper copies can be found in the Counseling Center. 
    NYS Grants and Scholarships:

    NYS Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Incentive Program

    The NYS STEM Incentive Program provides tuition awards to students who are New York State residents attending a public or private degree-granting college or university located in New York State. Recipients must be in the top 10 percent of students of their high school graduating class, pursue an approved, two or four-year STEM degree program and agree to live in NYS and work in a STEM field in NYS for five years after graduation.

    Click here to apply