• Title I, Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA) provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. Federal funds are currently allocated through four statutory formulas that are based primarily on census poverty estimates and the cost of education in each state.

    Under the federal No Child Left Behind legislation (latest reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act), parents are required to be given several official notifications:

    1. Parents may request information regarding the qualifications of their child’s Title I teachers and paraprofessional staff. Parents may request specific information as to the following: [“Title I” Teachers are those supported by Federal Title I funds]

    • whether the teacher has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;
    • whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived;
    • the baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree, and
    • whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals, and, if so, the qualifications of that paraprofessional (assistant).

    2. Section 9528(a)(1) of the legislation requires that each school district receiving Title I funds under No Child Left Behind shall provide, on a request made by military recruiters or an institution of higher education, access to secondary school students’ names, addresses and telephone listings.

    • A student or a parent may request that such information not be released without prior written parental consent. In order to make such a request, please contact the high
    school guidance office at 676-8025 for further information. If you do not wish to have your student’s information released to the military or to colleges without your expressed
    permission, you must send a signed, written statement to that effect to the high school guidance office at the beginning of the school year.


    NYSED Title I, Part A


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