• Welcome to the 2021-22 School year!

    We look forward to feeding your children.

    PARENTS!!! Although we participate in the CEP program that allows each of our students receive a free breakfast and a free lunch each day, the CEP Income Eligibility application does help us assure that your student is provided all services that they are eligible for under income guidelines.
    CEP Income Eligibility applications are available here: CEP Household Income Form
    You may also call our Food Service Supervisor, Jeff Colburn, at 716-676-8017 to obtain a form.
    Cafeteria Prices:
    Breakfast:                                                        Lunch:
    Elementary School Student: $1:20                     Elementary School Student: $2.15
    High School Student: $1.50                               High School Student: $2.35
    Additional milk: $.40
    Ice Cream: $1.00
    "Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act"..what is it? This act provides guidance on meals the District can provide to students each day. It is requirement that we must follow these guidelines to participate in the CEP program. Please visit the following website for more information: https://www.fns.usda.gov/school-meals/healthy-hunger-free-kids-act

    Please find all of our other cafeteria information for the year here. This will include our menu for the year, pricing, and our Wellness Policy.