• New York State Education Department has created a process for resolving complaints alleging that a local educational agency (LEA), grantee or NYSED has violated a law, rule, or regulation in the administration of any “covered Federal program” under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

    These procedures offer parents and other stakeholders a process to file complaints and allow for the timely resolution of such complaints. A complainant may include any of the following: parents, public agencies, and other individuals or organizations. If the complainant is a minor, the complaint or appeal shall also be signed by his or her guardian, unless the statute or rule under which the complaint or appeal is filed prohibits this requirement.

    To learn more about the ESSA complaint procedures and how to file a complaint, please visit the NYSED website here.

    Parents may also visit the new Parent Dashboard.


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