- Franklinville Central School District
- Franklinville Central School District
Franklinville Central School District
Professional Development / Curriculum workshops offered by school staff can be found here.
Before registering for a workshop you must first fill out your Summer Proposal Form and have it approved by your building's principal, along with the director of pupil personnel services and instruction. Your requests for Professional Development / Curriculum Project must be approved prior to attending a workshop or doing any of the work. Once approved, you will recieve an email to keep for your records as you will need it when submitting for pay.
If you would like to register contact Scott Rudnicki or Karli Jobe.
Workshops offered from Amy Burton:
Benchmark Advance Alignment of Assessments
August 9, 2021 Grades K-1 9:00-1:00
August 10, 2021 Grades 2-3 9:00-1:00
August 11, 2021 Grades 4-5 9:00-1:00
We will look at the Next Generation Standards for ELA and how they align to the Benchmark Assessments beginning with Units 1&2. We will look at the lessons provided by Benchmark Advance in these units that lead students to success on the Weekly, End of Unit and Interim Assessments. We will discover how each lesson meets the Next Gen standards and is assessed.
What do my students do while I meet with a small group?
July 8, 2021 Grades K-5 9:00-1:00
We’ll work to develop good classroom management skills and routines to help students get the most out of their independent work time during reading, writing and math. We’ll discover ways that aren’t boring or busy work for your students. We’ll use resources from Benchmark Advance and The Daily 5 book.
Spiral Math
July 13, 2021 Grade 2-5 9:00-12:00
For grades 3-5, we’ll look over current schedule of skills and compare to the Next Generation Standards for Math especially the recommended power standards. We will revise current schedule of skills and monthly spirals to match our comparison. For grade 2, I’ll introduce our Spiral Math program that grades 3-5 have been using since 2019 and we will begin to develop a schedule of skills and spiral activities for September. As time allows we will continue to work through the following months.
Sonday System Turn-key Training
July 20, 2021 Grades PK-5 8:30-2:00
This is for anyone interested in the Sonday System which was used this past school year as an intervention for Tier 3.
Intervention Overview
August 5, 2021 Grades K-5 9:00-12:00
This is for anyone interested in an overview of the interventions that could be used in the classroom with Tier 2 or Tier 1 students during the Intervention block of your schedule. We’ll take a look at what is available. This will not be a specific training on certain interventions.