• Here is what a typical day in our classroom looks like.
    7:50  Children Arrive


    8:05-8:15 Calendar


    8:15-8:45 Breakfast


    8:45-9:05 Music and Movement


    9:05-9:30 Large Group

    Stories, Learning Activities


    9:30-10:00 Small Group

    Projects, Learning Activities


    10:00- 10:30 Work Time

    Centers/Play Time, Individual Activities


    10:30-10:35 Clean Up

    Clean up toys, wash hands, prepare for lunch
    10:35-10:45 Story time


    10:45-11:20 Lunch Time


    11:20- 11:50 Large Motor Time

    (Gym or Playground)


    11:50- 12:15 Storytime/ Bathroom Breaks


    12:15-1:00 Rest Time


    1:00-1:15 Wake up/Put things away/ Books


    1:20- 1:40 Snack


    1:40 Pack Backpacks/Get ready to go home


    1:50 Dismissal